Monday, January 19, 2009

What Difference Does It Make?

All day yesterday that Smiths song was running through my head, specifically the lyrics, "I'm too tired. I'm so sick and tired. And I'm feeling very sick and ill today." Actually not all day since I woke up feeling okay and progressively felt worse as the day went on. I took some Tylenol and went to bed in the middle of the day. I got up for a few hours and went to bed for the night around 8pm. I would have gotten about 12 hours of sleep if I didn't keep waking up.
I haven't eaten anything since dinner on Saturday and have only had ginger ale and water to drink. I'm feeling a little hungry so I'm going to chance eating a banana. I think the worst is over.
Why do I always seem to get sick on the weekends or when I have a day off?

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