Thursday, January 15, 2009

About Facebook

I have friends and relatives who are on Facebook and all of them seem to love it. Strangely enough, I've only been invited to join once and that was over a year ago. Maybe it's my lack of popularity that makes me indifferent to the site. I don't not want to join, I'm just not sold on the whole concept. To me, Facebook feels like a giant brag book more than a social networking site. The whole thing screams "look at me!" I'm not sure I want people looking at me.

But then today, I wanted to email a former coworker so I googled him and the first thing that popped up was his Facebook profile. The second was his company's website, which was what I wanted. Of course, I clicked on the first result to see what picture he posted, knowing that if he had kids they would be featured. Sure enough there was a picture of his little nuclear family on his profile. And you know what? If I was on Facebook, I would have sent him a friend request.

I told one of my friends that I realize it's just a matter of time before something hooks me. I wasn't hooked today, but I feel one step closer to taking the bait.

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