Friday, January 30, 2009

Sam 'n Ella

Yesterday, I made a pot of turkey chili. I put it in the fridge last night, and this morning I got it out to pack up some containers. I was in a hurry, and I forgot to put the pot of the remaining chili back in the fridge. I just got home and discovered it on the stove where it's been all day.

Now, I didn't just open a can and heat the stuff up. I put some time and effort into making it. I really don't want to throw it away. I really don't want to get sick either. Of the two people I talked to since discovering it, one told me to throw it away and the other said it was probably fine.

Because my kitchen is most likely the coldest room in the house and the pot (and the chili) was cold to the touch, I think the chili is safe to eat. As a test, I forced* myself to eat a small bowl tonight and if I get sick tomorrow, I'll throw it out. If I don't, I'll keep it. So far, I feel fine.

*forced because I'm still stuffed from my steak and shrimp dinner

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