Friday, February 20, 2009

Typing Time

I'm taking advantage of a rare situation to type this post. See, my cat Nigel likes to sit on my lap, which makes it hard to type on a laptop, even if the computer is on a table. He's 13 plus pounds of black and white nuisance when you need to use both hands and see the screen.

It's not much easier using my iMac since he often uses his time on my lap to groom himself even though he doesn't have room to move much. He's very good at getting in my way.

Nigel's the type of cat that likes people but doesn't like other cats. And other cats don't like him much either. I can sympathize.

Well, he's back from the kitchen, purring his little heart out and eager to lounge on the afghan between my lap and him. I'll stop typing so he can relax in peace.

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