Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Moment of Truth

I got a call the other day from a collections agency. I've been ignoring calls from this agency but not because I owe an outrageous sum. Rather, I know I don't have any outstanding debts that would have been sent to collections. Since the call had woken me up without leaving a message, I decided to be proactive. When I did call them back, the woman verified too much of my information and told me that I owed $28.30 for services rendered on July 20, 1999.

Seriously? That's the reason this agency has been calling incessantly? A nearly 10 year old bill for under $30? How desperate is the original business for cash? I'm guessing that original debtor recently sold an enormous amount of tiny debts that weren't worth their collecting to an agency that would handle the collections.

The thing about this "debt" is that I don't think it exists. On the date in question, I wouldn't have incurred the debt suggested. And how much do I want to explore its veracity when the debt isn't legally collectible? They are supposed to send me a detailed accounting, which may guilt me into paying it, but for now I'll bide my time.

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