Sunday, April 26, 2009

Bugs Bugging Me

This crazy hot weather brought out all sorts of bugs around my house. Those that didn't get in include a bumblebee and a wasp. Those that did include two lightning bugs and a weird tiny hairy spider. I shooed the spider out even though he scared the bejesus out of me. The lightning bugs weren't so lucky.

The first lightning bug came in last night and bounced around with an odd clicking noise on my wood floors. I think it was trying to fly but just kept jumping a few inches off of the ground with a snap and crashing down again. I killed it because I didn't think it was long for this world anyway. I heard the same noise this afternoon and dealt with the second lightning bug in the same way.

Nigel watched the bugs but didn't do anything about them. Although following his stare made it easier to find the poor things and put them out of their miseries.

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