Thursday, April 30, 2009

10 Items or Less

I was browsing the A/V room of my library today and noticed a sign with the rules for borrowing DVDs. The other times I checked out books and DVDs, I got the due date of materials from the receipt that prints from the self check out. I would guess it's the same for most libraries, but my library gives you three weeks for books and one week for A/V. I knew that I could renew the books, but I figured the movies weren't renewable.

The sign stated that you could check out up to 10 DVDs and that you could renew them twice. I'd been limiting my borrowing to what I could watch in a week, but knowing the rules changed things. I took out 10 DVDs. New videos can't be renewed so I'll have to watch "The House Bunny" before next Thursday at least.

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