Friday, September 25, 2009

Garage Sale-ing

Some of the houses on my street are having what's advertised as a "block" garage sale. I'm scouring my basement for things to sell, but I don't have a ton of junk to move. I got rid of a lot of stuff the last time Easter Seals or one of the vet associations was doing a drive where they pick-up donations from your front porch. I sold most of my junk at my last garage sale three years ago, and I donated what didn't sell to the APL's garage sale.

So far I've collected a bunch of X-Mas decorations, some drinking glasses, a bike, some incense burners and office supplies. If nothing sells I'll probably just put it back in the basement.

The organizer (and apparent money collector) told us it's supposed to rain tomorrow. I guess I'll have a true garage sale if it does. The sale's from 9:00AM to 5:00PM but I might only do from 9-12. But if it's raining, I might skip the football game I'm supposed to go to at 1. I'm not sure which would be worse a rainy football game or a rainy garage sale.

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