Monday, August 3, 2009

Baking Fallout

When I bake, I use a lot of equipment. I have three bowls for my KitchenAid mixer so I tend to use one for each thing I make instead of washing the same bowl for each step along the way. I also have three sets of measuring cups and five or six sets of measuring spoons so I can use a different teaspoon for dry ingredients and wet ingredients. I rarely reuse spatulas and mixing bowls either. It's no surprise that I'm always left with a huge clean-up. Almost everything requires handwashing so it takes forever. I love baking, but I hate cleaning-up after.

The last things I baked for a party yesterday were a cake with two kinds of frosting and cookies with yet another type of frosting. Lots o' dishes to do. I think the kitchen will be clean by next weekend.

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