I've mentioned going to the library recently, but mostly I've been using it as a video store. I realized that you could reserve DVDs online, which opens up all of the
Clevenet catalog for the taking. It also saves time at the library and the hassle of having personal contact with other people looking for videos since the reserved section is self-serve.
But, there's no instant gratification. I had to wait almost 2 weeks for the 8 out of 10 that I borrowed. I won't know when the last 2 will be available until I get the creepy automated call from the electronic librarian.
Here's the list of DVDs I checked out today and the libraries they call home:
All About My Mother -- Cleveland Public Library
Bobby -- Cleveland Public Library
Donnie Brasco -- Eastlake Public Library
Memento -- Lorain Public Library
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest -- Cleveland Public Library Hough Branch
Paris, Je T'Aime -- Willowick Public Library
Sunshine -- Birchard Public Library (Fremont)
The Tudors (First Season) -- Cleveland Heights - University Heights Public Library
The main reason I started reserving videos online was for The Tudors, which I could never find at my branch. Weird.