Saturday, March 14, 2009

Pi (3.14) Day

I was thinking about why I don't make pies as often as I make cookies and cupcakes. It's partially a size issue. Pies really only come in one size. They can't be made easily into cup-pies like cakes into cupcakes. Their recipes can't be halved to make a half batch like cookies.

They aren't as celebratory as cakes. I know some people have birthday pies, but really cakes are more traditional. Pies are messy too. Cutting and serving is a pain. Next day pie isn't as yummy as cake. I'm not an à la mode fan either. Melting ice cream has no place on an otherwise perfectly fine dessert.

As far as baking supplies, you need a lot more ingredients for pies since you have to have crust and filling ingredients. Who has all that on hand? I only have one pie pan. I can recall making three pies in it (apple, key lime and chocolate). I have a mini-cupcake/tartlet pan that I rarely use.

I'm totally making a pie this week.

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