Sunday, December 6, 2009

Party Time! Excellent!

One of my favorite things to do during the Christmas season is bake cookies. It used to be a family affair when I was a kid, but at some point it changed to more of a solo effort. There were years when I did all of the baking, frosting and decorating myself, but I usually have some help.

A few years ago, I started my very own tradition when I hosted my first official "cookie party." My initial thought in having the party was to recruit help in making the dozens of cookies I bake every year, but I found it's just nice to have company while baking, especially when Christmas cookie baking takes 24+ hours. Of course, guests don't have to help although I strongly encourage their help in frosting and decorating, which are my least favorite things to do.

I sent out the invitations for this year's cookie party today. I hope you all can come!

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